Friday, September 26, 2008


Today I took the circulating encyclopedias and crossed out the "Reference only" stamps. Hopefully they will get more use in the circulating collection. They were shelved with the reference books and the only thing indicating that they could be checked out was the label reading "NF" instead of "REF." That doesn't make sense to a child. I had to shift a ton of nonfiction to make space for the encyclopedias, but I finally made an adequate space and a shelf label indicating that they may be checked out. I also made a sign for the reference section to let patrons know where the older set of encyclopedias disappeared to.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Moving time

I moved the books on CD today so they are on opposite sides of their shelf. All the books on tape that were checked in have been withdrawn and the withdrawing will continue as they are returned. I also moved the audio CDs so all the media is together.

After input from the Children's staff, we decided to keep the name "books to share" but provide an explanation of what that means on the shelf. Changing the name AND the location might cause too much confusion. I'll be changing the spine labels to have the first three letters of the authors' last name so they look like our picture book collection.

Before I can move the books to share, I have to deal with the reference collection. There are some encyclopedias that need to be withdrawn because they are outdated, and I need to move the older set of World Book encyclopedias to the circulating nonfiction collection. Then I can move the rest of reference.