Saturday, October 11, 2008

The labelmaker and I are best friends.

I've gotten a good chunk of this project done this week. Thursday I got all the reference books moved. They need relabeling, but that is for another time. I'd relabel the entire library if I had the time! I found a few books that should be nonfiction and a few adult reference books, which I was happy to restore to their proper place. There were a lot more reference books than I thought! They don't get a lot of use, though, since kids (and adults) immediately turn to the Internet for information. Hopefully, now that the area is more organized, that will change.

Yesterday I began to relabel and move the books to share. I got through all the As and a good portion of the Bs in the two hours I had. I changed the call numbers to the first three letters of the author's last name. The spines are so skinny that anything more than that gets lost. I started to move them, also, and they look good in their new spot. I'll be able to spread them out more, also.

New things to do: relabel the last two reference shelves and draft an explanation of what books to share are and why we moved them. And continue the moving and labeling.