Tuesday, September 9, 2008

First meeting

For my final project, I decided to work with Eileen Caulfield, Head of Children's Services at the Wilton Library in Wilton, CT. Eileen has recently taken over this position, so she has a lot of plans for the collection. After discussing a number of options, we decided the following:

1) I will integrate the first reader collections and the early reader collections. First readers include phonics books and the like while early readers include Young Cam Jansen and Amelia Bedelia. Integrating them will put all the early readers in one place and the current signage will make sense.
2) I will move and recatalog the books to share. Books to share are basically picture books for older readers, so Eileen wants to move them nearer to the fiction books so they will serve as a transition between young kids and older kids. By moving these, there will be space for the expanded collection of early readers. We're also going to change the name of the books to share so it makes more sense. "Books to share" is a little vague.
3) Lesley Keogh, one of the Children's Assistants, is in the process of weeding our books on tape. Once they are gone, I can move the books on CD and music CDs so they are on one shelf unit and move the reference books from their current home. That will free up the new home of the books to share.
4) Of course, while I am shifting and recataloging, I'll be keeping an eye out for anything that needs to be weeded because it is dirty, smelly, or falling apart.

I'll take pictures throughout the process. I don't know if I'll post them in this blog or start a separate account on Flickr or Picasa. In the meantime, I'm glad I've gotten started!